
Deeba Hussain Ahmed Elizabeth Jackson


This paper presents a case study of the implementation of a social networking platform in a UK secondary school, its use by pupils and teachers, and identification of potential advantages and challenges as an educational tool.  It is intended to be of interest to secondary schools regarding the implementation of a social networking platform for use in teaching and learning, as it provides recommendations based on the research carried out in the case study school.  A social networking platform was used with groups of secondary school pupils and its use observed, pupils questioned and a sample of pupils and teachers interviewed regarding its use. Analysis of the findings resulted in the implications for the use of the social networking platform being identified.  Benefits were found to outweigh difficulties and implications were useful to take the use of social networking forward within the school. Whilst the study is relevant to the school and of potential interest to other schools, and serves to widen understanding of how social networking might be used effectively within education, there is scope in future for a wider scale study to be made as generalisation is not made here.  In particular, the study raises the need for schools to consider not just how a tool such as a social networking platform can be used within existing pedagogy, but how teaching and learning may need to be redesigned if the benefits are to be embraced but the disadvantages to be overcome.

