Vigtigheden i omsorgspersoners handlinger


  • Christian Delfs Lehmann
  • Daniel Andreas Bye Walus
  • Mikkel Madsen


Narratives, professional care givers, social arenas, communities, motivation, relations.


The three of us have all experienced how lack of caring skills have led to challenges in the professional practice. We have witnessed the negative consequences this may have for young individuals in social arenas. On the other hand, we have witnessed how young individuals, who have been met with understanding, gain a stronger perception of self, which positively changes their trajectories in life. In our interviews, we met three young people, from different backgrounds with both negative and positive narratives about themselves. This made us wonder about which factors affected their self-perception, and how positive relations can create positive prospects for the future.  The purpose of this professional paper is to pass on the young people’s voices to those, who are interested in what happens when young people have positive and negative experiences in different social arenas, and how the lack of attention from professional caregivers impact their lives.





