
Yasmin Ensor


The aim of this research was to discover what teachers could do to promote the benefits of studying Art and Design (A&D) at GCSE, as the EBacc’s[1] recent introduction has narrowed down GCSE options. Research was carried out with the hypothesis that students would neglect A&D at GCSE due to a limited understanding of the career prospects or transferable skills that A&D education promotes.


Research included the stigmatisation of A&D education, the attitudes of students towards the subject and how the EBacc might potentially impact the number of students opting for creative GCSEs.


A poster that communicated these benefits was produced in response to data. The poster, which could be displayed in A&D classrooms, was trialled with a focus group and a class of Year 9 students. The Year 9 students were asked to write what they felt were the benefits of studying A&D both before and after viewing the poster. The poster was found to have an 83.33% success rate.

[1] EBacc = English Baccalaureate: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/english-baccalaureate-ebacc/english-baccalaureate-ebacc

