Anerkjennelse i skolesamfunnet
Recognition; youth identity; intersubjective society ; teacher-student relationship; friendship; fellow student relationship; indirect approach.Abstract
This article is trying to grasp three informants' experiences of recognition in different intersubjective societies at school, and how they affect their lives and their identities at school during adolescence. The intersubjective societies are reduced to two relationships at school that the informants spontaneous talked about themselves; teacher-student relationships (TSR) and friendship and fellow student relationships (FSR). The interviews were conducted using an indirect approach and produced as part of an Erasmus+ project (MaCE). The data were analyzed through a thematic analysis, and were clustered around six themes in TSR (1-4) and FSR (5,6): (1) the ability to mentalize - and to adapt to student individual needs, (2) to create an intersubjective community, (3) maintain academically status, (4) to believe in oneself (5) friendship and status and (6) misrecognition and bullying. The narratives show how recognition matters in these two relationships and can help influence the youth's opportunities to attend, master and complete secondary school. Lack of recognition and bullying can also affect their identity development and even mental health.